Seed of Desire Pilot Seychelles Shoot
GOES SWIMMINGLY FOR PRODUCERs ANTHONY MADDALENA and KENNETH W. CARAVAN Suzanne Hamilton talks to the producers about the evocative Hungry Lion Film debut screen production.

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Feature film Development
Exploring compelling human stories of belief, loss and identity all of Hungry Lion’s feature films starting with THE CUCKOO MAN OF LEICESTER SQUARE, about a man’s struggle to break a dark curse and literally“fly” home, to equatorial Africa .followed by “THIS ISLANDS MINE!” a gritty urban drama set in the turbulent Jamaica of the mid-1970s, are characterized by powerful and immersive storytelling
In quaero veri et excellentiam since MCMXCVIII T

(H1) independent film production film production company independent films actors development
Welcome to the Hungry Lion Film Company Limited, Creators and Producers of Original, Diverse, and Innovative Independent Television and Film production. Drawing on the finest Talent and new writing, Hungry Lion is dedicated to reflecting the rich compelling contradictions of our human existence. while seeking out truth and excellence.wa
We currently have an ambitious production line up of no fewer than three short and two feature film productions slated. In addition we have a varied catalogue of high quality Rights Managed Material.
little more about you.